Monday, January 7, 2008


I’m beginning to understand that change- even change for the good – involves sacrifice. Something has to be given up, left behind, in order for something else to be able to take its place. I think it’s that sacrifice that makes change so hard. I can be pretty territorial. I like to protect what’s mine, especially when I like what’s mine. I don’t want God or anybody else trying to take it away from me.

I usually learn the hard way.

Life isn’t about stuff. But I’m not even just talking about physical stuff here. Relationships, people, jobs, pride, our sense of self – all things that may have to be sacrificed in the name of change.

Change can demand a high price, and we pay it or become stagnant. There is no in-between.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It always seems to me that the hardest part of change is that time when you know change is going to happen but you don't have the big picture yet. The time when we are hanging on and waiting for our minor purpose to be revealed often weighs heavy on my soul. That time also yeilds some of my sweetest time with God.